
Dishwashing products

GRUPA INCO S.A. has been manufacturing Ludwik dishwashing liquid since 1964. It is the most recognisable brand in Poland in this product category. Thanks to its high quality and effectiveness, this product enjoys the unwavering trust and loyalty of consumers. Nowadays, the Ludwik brand also includes dishwashing lotions, dishwasher tablets and others specialised products for cleaning all types of household surfaces.


Since we are constantly looking for innovative solutions, in 2019 we developed a new, environmentally friendly line of Ludwik products. Ludwik Ekologiczny features dishwashing liquid and a wide range of plroducts for dishwashers, including tablets, salt and rinse aids.

GRUPA INCO S.A. also manufactures a wide range of economical dishwashing liquids under the Lucek brand.

*GRUPA INCO, data from Nielsen – retail sales panel, Poland, dishwashing liquid market shares by value, Jan–Dec 2013.


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